From the Editor's Desktop
by Tuncer Deniz

Well, here it is, the new Inside Mac Games. Out with the purple and beige, in with the sleek new blues and grays.

We started work on a new design about two months ago. Our Creative Director, Chris McVeigh, and I came up with a format that would work well for both the CD-ROM magazine and web site. We went through a few different incarnations until we settled on this format.

One of the prerequisites when we first started working on the new design was to make sure it was easy to navigate through the magazine. On the top and bottom of the magazine you'll notice navigational bars that take you to a previous page, the next page, or the table of contents.

Now, in many articles in the magazine we have screenshot galleries (a collection of screenshots) as well as QuickTime movies. When we started to lay out the magazine, we had a bit of a dilemma. We had to decide if the 'next page' button took you through the ENTIRE magazine (including screenshots, movies, etc.) or just to the next story.

Here's what we decided. If you are in a story and hit 'next page', it'll take you to the next story. However, if you click on the screenshot gallery, the 'next page' button will then take you to the first screenshot, followed by the next screenshot, and eventually bringing you back to the screenshot gallery page. So, after you've checked out the screenshots, and you are back in the screenshot gallery page, click on previous page to take you to the story. Then click next page to go to the next story. Make sense?

Well, if it sounds a little confusing, don't worry, just give it a try, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

More Content
IMG has always been known for its great previews, reviews, and features. But, like you, we want more great content. Thanks to the feedback we've gotten from subscribers, we've brought back strategy and tactics and the More for Your Game folder (a collection of scenarios, maps, and mods).

In the coming issues, we'll be expanding our content even more. We'll be bringing back our games release list as well as adding more great features.

We realize we're behind this year on issues, but we plan on releasing at least 4 more issues this year, followed by one in mid-January to wrap up the year. Now that we have a solid staff in place and a new, easy to use and editable format, we're confident we'll be able to deliver the remaining issues on time.

As always, if you have any comments, questions, or feedback on the new magazine format, please e-mail me at next time, game on!


Tuncer Deniz


Tuncer Deniz

Senior News Editor
Michael Eilers

Senior Editors
Bart Farkas
Jennifer Ho
Robn Kester
Dan Radmacher

Creative Director
Chris McVeigh

Staff Writers
Marty Dodge
Chris Morin
Alex-Lawrence Richards
Chris Morin
Zack Stern
Jeff Wescott

Frank Bernier
Ben Rood
William M. Reed
Jason Bailey
Bishnu Bhattacharyya
Justin Garcia
Randy Overbeck
Brice Unland
Kit Pierce